Examinations Information
Link - Examinations Timetable 2024-2025 and Contingency dates including provisional Trial Exam dates as of 13 March 2025
Letters home
Key Documents
The following documents provide key information relating to examinations at Scalby School:
- Ofqual Student Guide 2025
- Preparing to sit your exams
- Instructions for Candidates video
- Exam Guidance for Parents Students (EGPS)
- Self-Certification form
JCQ Regulations information can be found using the following links
Any queries email the Exams Office at: exams@sc.coastandvale.academy
Exam Preparation Presentation March 2025 - Mr Davis Deputy Headteacher
Exam Prep Information March 25
Please see below videos for information for Parent/Carers of our Year 11 students
The following documents may help you assist your son /daughter during their revision period:
Revision Tips include:
- Revision Guide
- Encourage them to take revision breaks and find a balance between studying and doing things they find enjoyable and relaxing.
- Make sure they are eating and drinking at regular intervals.
- Reassure them – reinforce that you are and will be proud of them no matter what happens.
- Remain positive and hopeful!
- Let them know their feelings are valid and normal, but also offer support and solutions where possible.
- Anxiety is often worst at night and this means it is useful to encourage good bedtime routine
You can find out more here: https://www.youngminds.org.uk/young-person/coping-with-life/exam-stress/
Students who make insufficient progress, or produce inadequate or insufficient coursework will be expected to attend compulsory booster sessions after school from 2.30 – 3.30pm.
Should a student fail to complete the necessary coursework or fail to attend their final examination without a doctor’s certificate, s/he will be required to reimburse the school for the examination fees for that subject.
Examination Subjects – Awarding Bodies 2024-2025
Subject |
Awarding Body |
Curriculum Code |
Art & Design (3D Design) |
8205 |
Art & Design (Fine Art) |
8202 |
Art & Design (Graphic Communication) |
8203 |
Biology |
8461 |
Business |
Pearson |
1BS0 |
Chemistry |
8462 |
Combined Science: Trilogy |
8464 |
Computer Science |
J277 |
Creative iMedia (Cambridge National) |
J834 |
Design and Technology |
8552 |
Drama |
Eduqas |
C690QS |
English Language |
Eduqas |
C700QS |
English Literature |
Eduqas |
C720QS |
French |
8658 |
Further Maths |
8365 |
Geography |
8035 |
Health & Social Care (BTEC Technical) |
Pearson |
BHS0 |
History BR |
Pearson |
1H10 |
Hospitality & Catering Technical |
5409 |
Mathematics |
Pearson |
1MA1 |
Music |
8271 |
Physical Education |
Pearson |
1PE0 |
Physics |
8463 |
Psychology |
Pearson |
1PS0 |
Sport Studies (Cambridge National) |
J829 |
Student Equivalences for Non-GCSE Qualifications
Awarding Body Privacy Notices
Unique Learner Numbers
What is a Unique Learner Number (ULN)?
When a student reaches Year 9 they are issued with a Unique Learner Number (ULN) which is used to register and make exam entries with awarding bodies. The ULN is used by the education sector to share personal learning records and ensure that the correct information is recorded in the correct learning record. More information can be found here: (https://www.gov.uk/guidance/how-to-access-your-personal-learning-record)
The ULN allows the Personal Learning Record (PLR) to be populated with verified achievements as Learners move through their lifelong educational journey. Using the ULN will help learners by: speeding up HE and FE applications and admissions, as well as making it possible for individuals to demonstrate qualifications to a potential employer.
What is a Personal Learning Record (PLR)?
The personal learning record (PLR) allows individual learners access to their past and current achievement records.
It can also allow an individual learner to share their PLR with a careers advisor when taking advice on what to do in future.
The PLR can be obtained by filling in an access request form (“My personal learning record form” on the landing page for the previous link above).
This Privacy Notice explains how a student’s data will be shared:-
Privacy Notice for: pupils, students, learners and trainees
The information you supply is used by the Education and Skills Funding Agency, an executive agency of the Department for Education (DfE), to issue you with a Unique Learner Number (ULN) and to create your Personal Learning Record, as part of the functions of the DfE. For more information about how your information is processed, and to access your Personal Learning Record, please refer to: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/lrs-privacy-notices.
Examinations Results Day
Following information from the Department for Education, this will now be the – 21 August 2025
Students can collect their results at the following times:
Year 11: We will issue results directly to candidates on 21 August 2025 between 8.30 and 9.30am. Candidates not intending to collect in person but wishing their results to be posted or collected by a designated person, should complete the letter and return the entire page, along with the fee stated, by the deadline in the letter. Results will not be given over the telephone under any circumstances. Result slips for GCSEs not collected or posted on results day will be retained in school for collection
Year 10: Results will be posted out on the day to the address we hold for your child.
If you don’t get the results you expected
- JCQ Post Results Services
- Post-results Services: request, consent and payment form
- Post-results Services: deadlines, fees and charges
- Results Authority Form
Examination Certificates
Certificate Evening letter 2025
Certificates will be handed to students between 4-5pm on Thursday 4th December 2025 for Year 11 Leavers. Any students who sit examinations early, will receive their certificates at their own Year 11 evening, in the year that they leave secondary education.
Please contact school as soon as possible to inform whether you will be attending or not.
If you cannot attend the event to collect your certificates
For students who cannot collect their own certificates, they can designate someone else to collect them using the application form below. The designated person MUST bring photographic proof of identification for themselves along with them.
School Certificate Collection Authority
What happens if I do not collect my certificates?
Please be aware that certificates only need to be retained by the school for 12-months before they are securely destroyed. Therefore it is important that you collect your certificates as soon as possible, by arrangement with the exams office, to ensure that you do not have to pay for expensive replacements. Ex-students who believe they may have certificates held by the school should email exams@sc.coastandvale.academy requesting advice on whether their certificates are available, giving the following information:
- Full Legal Name at the time the exams were taken
- Date of Birth
- Year of leaving Scalby
Where certificates are held by the school and you are unable to collect them (by appointment) in person, it is possible to make alternative arrangements, as long as these are received in writing in advance of your request. The Certificates Authority can be downloaded, filled in and posted back prior to a third party making an appointment with the Exams Office.
Replacement certificates
Where certificates are no longer held by the school, it is possible to obtain replacements. Details of how to obtain replacements are available from http://ofqual.gov.uk/help-and-advice/getting-a-replacement-certificate/. There is a charge per certificate for obtaining replacements.
Scalby School Exam policy links
- POLY024 - Records Management Policy - v2.3
- POLY055 - Exams Policy - v2.1
- POLY056 - Whistleblowing Policy - v2.0
- POLY090 - Data Protection Policy - v1.0
- POLY098 - Complaints Policy (Exams) - v2.1
- POLY099 - Internal Appeals Policy (Exams) - v1.0
- POLY100 - Non-Examination Assessment Policy (Exams) - v1.1
- POLY101 - Exam Access Arrangements Policy - v1.0
- POLY103 - Cyber Security (Exams) - v1.0
- Contingency Plan - v2.0
- Declaration of Interest Form
- Emergency Evacuation Procedure
- Exam Room Incident Log
- JCQ Second Pair of Eyes Check Form
- 24-25 Conflicts of Interest Log Template
- 24-25 Policy Checklist
- ROR Procedures and Appeals Form