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Year 11 Emotion Switch Workshop Monday 31st March  Click here to book a place

Year 8 HPV Vaccinations  Click here to book

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Technology - Product Design, Food & Textiles

Engineering Year 10 (New GCSE D&T/Product Design)

Instructions – begin to work through the different topics in order (reading, videos, testing)

Instructions – begin to work through the mobile apps for D&T. These include information to read through as well as questions to answer.

Instructions - Useful videos to watch to recap drawing skills and try yourself at home (isometric drawing, 2 point perspective, shading/rendering)

Instructions – Scroll down to the revision cards section towards the bottom of the page. This contains revision cards for topics learned/learning about as part of this course. Complete the revision cards for topics you do not feel as confident with.

Instructions – familiarise yourself with pages you will have to complete for coursework units in this course. This will cover learning we have done already in class such as writing a specification before drawing your designs.

Food/Hospitality and Catering – Years 9-11


Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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