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Home Learning


Welcome back to year 10 Science! We know that you will be desperate to get back and learn some new Science but for now here are a few simple tasks to remind you of some of the basics from last year.  

Week One


Podcasts - GCSE Combined Science Revision - AQA Trilogy - BBC Bitesize 

Listen to two podcasts and write 5 simple bullet points to summarise what each one said. 

Exam Questions 

Exam practice - GCSE Combined Science Revision - AQA Trilogy - BBC Bitesize 

Attempt two sets of exam (quiz) questions from the link below – focus only on the first three modules of each science strand – biology, chemistry, physics.

Reading content: 

GCSE Combined Science - AQA Trilogy - BBC Bitesize 

Read through four of the topics from last year – these are the top three of each science strand – biology, chemistry, physics.  

Week Two
All Yr10 students should log on to kayscience at
Password and username will be sent securely to you.
Mr Robinson has set some physics videos and questions for you to do. As we get further into term, your class will be set work by your teacher that best supports your learning. If you can't login at , please see your science teacher.
Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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