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Year 11 Emotion Switch Workshop Monday 31st March  Click here to book a place

Year 8 HPV Vaccinations  Click here to book




The science curriculum for the students of Scalby School has been designed to provide students with a deep understanding of the scientific knowledge and ideas that impact them as individuals within a local and globalised context. As they move through the curriculum, students will be increasingly made to develop their curiosity, provide insight into working scientifically and appreciate the value of science in their everyday lives. Our curriculum provides a platform for more advanced science based study, providing a gateway into a wide range of career opportunities. It also delivers a framework for understanding the natural world and supporting students to become scientifically literate participants in society.

The key principles used when designing the new curriculum were:

  • To develop a knowledge rich curriculum, supported by high quality teacher instruction, collaborative learning and the opportunity for students to demonstrate understanding.
  • Effective use of models to explain concepts and critical evaluation of these models.
  • Development, understanding and use of scientific language and commonalities in language between other curriculum areas.
  • The sequence of learning, including prior knowledge and next steps.
  • Retrieval of information over time.
  • Reduction of a topic/end of term test, more frequent ‘low stakes’ checkpoints that feedback in to classroom planning.
  • Links to other subjects as well as local and social context.

Key Stage 3

Pupils follow content according to the National Curriculum for science using a clear strand-based approach, which reviews and builds on the understanding from KS2. A core part of the learning experience at KS3 is developing practical skills, which are modelled for pupils with opportunities for pupils to develop the skills of enquiry and working scientifically.

During Key Stage 3 pupils will also have the opportunity to experience areas of science beyond the National Curriculum, these are planned to include subjects such as astronomy, psychology, marine biology, geology.


Each year group will sit two exams that are compared to all other KS3 pupils across Coast and Vale Trust. This allows teaching staff to make valid inferences on the progress of their pupils. Teachers provide regular and timely feedback to pupils through demonstrate and connect feedback tasks, to allow them to quickly address misconceptions and move their learning forward.


Key Stage 4

Pupils experience a wide range of new topics and skills at KS4 whilst following the AQA Trilogy or Triple science specifications. Each topic strand is linked intrinsically to prior knowledge and skills from KS3. Our aim is that all pupils should leave Scalby School being able to understand and explain the scientific world around them and more importantly are equipped with the skills to problem solve and critically evaluate.


In KS4, pupils complete at least two assessments a year. As with KS3, these are compared to other pupils from across the trust, meaning that pupils are given a clear overview of their progress throughout the year. In Year 11, there is an increased emphasis on “trial exams”, which are high stakes assessments to provide clear milestones towards their final GCSE examination. Further details of the assessment cycle are released to pupil and their parents/carers prior to each assessment point, to allow them sufficient time to prepare and support.

Learning Journey 


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Extra Curricular Activities

The Science department enables visits to the Spa for Engineering week, and other STEM events in the local area. Science staff are always available after school for help with homework or controlled assessment.

Useful Links

Coast and Vale Learning Trust

About Coast and Vale Learning Trust

The Coast and Vale Learning Trust in Scarborough aims to improve education in the locality through establishing coherent and collaborative practice across schools and other educational institutions in the area.

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